Module 8: Alchemy— Soul-Centered Coaching Certificate Program
CourseIn this module, you will learn about the origins of alchemy and the way in which Jung grasped its implications for modern psychology and our spiritual evolution. You will discover the 7 processes of alchemical change and the 3 states they produce.
Module 9—Ritual and Ceremony — Soul-Centered Coaching Certificate Program
CourseRitual and ceremony are symbolic acts designed to bring a person or a group into contact with a deeper reality than everyday life, and to connect us with something bigger than our everyday ego selves—the invisible world of soul.
Module 10: Ecopsychology, Nature, and Place—Soul-Centered Coaching Certificate Program
CourseEcopsychology offers a unique lens through which we can examine the psychological, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of the intricate connection between the human psyche and the natural world.
Student Showcase/Archives
CourseThis section features student works generously shared for the purpose of cross-pollination. Learn from what others have done, and share your own. Simply message Dr. Bright to offer any essay, recorded exercise, or Creative Expression to be uploaded.
Cohort Meeting Recordings 2024
CourseCohort 3 Meeting Recordings—Launched January 2024. Each meeting will be posted for streaming for 30-60 days a day or two after the live meeting, before being permanently archived.
The Serenity Code
CourseThis program highlights the most important teachings of the Serenity Code. From learning to understand SAD, to decoding your 3 Selves, learning the power of self-love and the healing potential of self-love habits.